Monday, November 29, 2010

China Glaze "Salsa"

I am thankful that thanksgiving is over for this year. It was fun but way too busy. I didn't have time to post at all. I will make up for it soon with lots of reviews for December. I wanted to share with you what I wore for Thanksgiving. My camera was being VERY uncooperative but I'll give you what I have. Oh, and forgive my has been a torturous week of baking for my poor nails.

This is China Glaze's Salsa and Ruby Pumps. I have Salsa on all fingers except my ring finger is Ruby Pumps.  I will review Ruby Pumps later. For now I can say that if you want a nice primary hot red with unbiased, perfect, gel-like consistency (but lots of attitude), then Salsa is perfect for you. I love it. <3

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